Choose to See the Good

facebookgroupbannerSo I am a part of a couple of book clubs, one of which is reading World War Z.  Additionally, my husband and I have on the side been bingeing Santa Clara Diet.  So needless to say, zombies are on my brain.  I decided to take a perfectly normal Oddball Art digital stamp (you know, one of the sweet pretty Oddball images) and zombify it.

EK Gorman, Oddball Designs aI pulled out IMG13 Stormy and turned her into a zombie girl with her green skin and adding a few stitched lines to her skin.

EK Gorman, Oddball Designs bThen using my copics, I went crazy creating a mountain scene, and a rainy storm.

Do you every take a simple image and turn it into something totally different?  Hope you got a kick out of my zombie girl!

Want to go get your own digital images to zombify…then use the discount code DTEK10 to get 10% off your order!


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