Christmas Card Throwdown #10

CCT10There is a new color challenge up at Christmas Card Throwdown today.  This week the Little Elves of the design team is looking for christmas card designs that show case the colors yellow, kraft and gold.

There are times after I have made a card, that I wonder why I make things hard on myself.  Today, I designed a card that in now way shape or form makes since with this color challenge.  Sure it is logical to make the reindeer out of kraft paper, but where does the yellow and gold make since…and yet, this is the card I designed.  Why didn’t I pull out a Bethlehem stamp set (I have two) and create a card using these colors with that…that would make since.  Why didn’t I create a card that featured a gold tree with yellow and kraft ordainments…that would make since.  But no, I pulled out a reindeer and elf and proceeded with the color challenge.

Now, in the end I feel this card worked, but trust me…this wasn’t the most logical way to go.  But alas it is what I did.  I colored the yellow with copic markers, Y02, Y13, and Y17 for the classic yellow tones, and Y21, Y23, Y28 for the blonde hair.  The gold was filled in with Liquitex Gold Ink.  The kraft was obviously done with…wait for it…kraft paper.

EK Gorman CCT10.1I hope you find more success with this color challenge than I have…or at least pick what feels like a more logical design.  I can’t wait to see what you do with your Christmas Card.



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